Category Archives: rants etc.

Wassily Kandinsky – Concerning the spiritual in Art

a beta-version of Kandinsky’s book on the basic elements of modern art is available for download. See [Link] The book is considered essential for understanding works of visual arts…

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modern.reading – candidate

not sure about this… wide angle attracts…

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My first self developed films ;)

Well well well… OK, I screwed. I can blame only half the fault on my camera, which is due for a light seal replacement. I guess I *gulp* am responsible for the rest 🙂 A few poor flashscans (I have … Continue reading

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Top-Ten-List 2005 from ,,der Initiative Nachrichtenaufkl?¤rung”

The top ten — topics ignored or hidden from public attention. Important, sometimes shocking or just VERY unpopular. See [LINKS]. Are we really such slaves of international corporations? We strive to fight against governal interference into our lives, shall we … Continue reading

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Growing up…

Things stiffen in their direction once they grow up…

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