Category Archives: rants etc.

Scan your slides/negative film using a dSLR!

So you have a nifty nice looking dSLR and a closet full of slides, old b/w films and you’d like to enjoy the advantages of digital in full? Sure, you might just get yourself a good film scanner and go … Continue reading

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Kodak BW400: Reutlingen winter shots…

It’s time for a big RANT. In Karlsruhe, at the Marktplatz, PHotoPorst offers general photo service, including negative film development. NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT IT Twice I gave them a chance, twice was I failed. Once, long ago, they promised … Continue reading

Posted in photography, rants etc., winter photos | Leave a comment

Fixed the RSS issue… finally (?)

I hope the RSS feed works now. Before, whatever you did, you got always the comment feed linked. I have hacked a hard-wired code, it’s a bad hack but it works… Please, report any problems in comments, ok?… This RSS … Continue reading

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Stairs – Flektogon 4/20

Flektogon 20mm f:4. My new old lens… 🙂 This is the predecessor of 2.8/20, lens optimized for aperture at the cost of distortion. The original 20/4 has almost perfect edge-to-edge rectilinear correction. The above frame was not altered geometrically in … Continue reading

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Double birthday party :)

more regular party photos:

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