Category Archives: rants etc.

That was a PARTY!

Click on the photos to see the party gallery (56 photos) 🙂 More photos HERE! BTW: A proof, that one shall sleep more is: I put a roll of HP5+ into a freshly made microphen solution without even checking its … Continue reading

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Snow, snow, snow…

Hey, it’s March! M-A-R-C-H! I know it’s not yet official time for spring to come, but this time last year there were flowers in the park already in full blossom!!! And now? On Friday I arrive in Reutlingen, it rains. … Continue reading

Posted in photography, rants etc., winter photos | Leave a comment

It’s snowing again…

Well, i know, it’s still winter, at least according to the calendar. but then, how come the spring managed to come round this time last year? hmpfff. anyway it snows again… grrrrrrr…. ah, well, if you look for the Hippo, … Continue reading

Posted in photography, rants etc., winter photos | Leave a comment

Friday – bowling…

They say, bowling is a sport immitation for beer drinkers, chatters and mums with kids 🙂 Well, I won’t risk saying things like that, but in case of a casual freindly meeting the sport part is definitely not the most … Continue reading

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I burnt myself badly today…

Not really a photo topic, but still, I’m angry at myself for such a foolishness… I switched off the wrong cooking pane and grabbed at boiling hot oil :/ don’t ask for details…

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