Category Archives: rants etc.

Misty, foggy morning…

This was few days ago, but first now I had a look through the photos taken on that day. Just a glance at the EBIC building from the B28 road: Bridge along the way:

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The lovable german modern architecture…

Truly gloomy are the structures man made… A place crossed by hundreds people everyday – why cant it be nice? Why does it have to look like a cross between a nuclear shelter and extermination camp?

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Do You need some RAW MEAT?

I have no bloody idea, what these ladies did there and what for. Seems to be some social project, one was videotaping, the other tried to give a piece of raw meat to people… whatever.

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The ultimate hot water solution

Long live ages old, never repaired student dorms… Actually the problem is more complex. There are quite many dorms located in old buildings that have a `cultural heritage’ status and as such may not be modified without authorisation of responsible … Continue reading

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