LEGO WeDo orange blinking light

The orange light means that the hub cannot keep its supply voltage up. There’s a step-up converter that makes 5V out of the battery voltage, the orange light is on if the 5V cannot be reached. This can be due to several reasons:

  1. Batteries are empty, battery connectors are dirty, connector between battery case and hub top is dirty or damaged. Use Kontakt 40 Spray from KontaktChemie to clean all contacts (don’t spray into the box, take a piece of cardboard, soak it with the spray and rub the contacts with it).
  2. The hub is overloaded – the motor is stalled, the cable is broken and has a short, the socket at the hub has damaged contacts and causes shorts. Check, clean, replace.
  3. The power supply circuit inside the hub is damaged. This is a known issue showing up on older hubs. There was no consensus what really happens, I have not had a hub like that yet. Possible problems may be: cold or cracked solder joint, dried-up filter capacitor, crack in the PCB. LEGO was replacing hubs with this issue, I don’t know if this is still the case.
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Programmierbares von LEGO

Welche Sets von LEGO kann man stand heute zum Programmieren lernen nutzen?

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Posted in LEGO, mindstorms ev3, Powered Up, Spike Prime/Essential | 3 Comments

Brother LW-200/LW-350 GW-25/GW-45

If you happen to have a Brother LW-350 or similar Brother Word Processor, the original Floppy that came with your system contained an accompanying Spreadsheet application.

If you lost the disc, it got erased, formatted or otherwise damaged, here is the content of mine:

Posted in rants etc. | 4 Comments

Brother AX-45 Manual / Bedienungsanleitung / Daisy Wheel Typewriter Word Processor User Manual

Da man diese Anleitung vom Brother nicht mehr bekommen kann (nicht mal wenn man sehr schön drum bittet), habe ich meine eingescannt und daraus eine saubere, druckbare PDF generiert. Diese Schreibmaschinen sind seit so langem nicht mehr auf dem Markt, dass selbst Brother tut so, als wenn sie nicht von ihnen wären. Ich nehme an, mit der Veröffentlichung dieser Kopie entsteht kein nennenswerter Schaden:
Deutsche Bedienungsanleitung Brother AX-45 (~45MB)

As you can’t get it from Brother, not even if you ask nicely (I did), I have scanned my manual and assembled it into a PDF file ready for (re-)print. As these typewriters were pulled from the market so long ago, that even Brother doesn’t remember them (officially), I think there should not be any issue with publishing this file online:
GERMAN instructions for Brother AX-45 (~45MB)

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LEGO Spike – Stall detection – how is the motor control working

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